Production Update!
Thanks to everyone for checking in on production of the new t-visors! The good news is that all of the new equipment arrived and I have been assembling and...
Production Update!
Thanks to everyone for checking in on production of the new t-visors! The good news is that all of the new equipment arrived and I have been assembling and...
New xTool Laser
Purchased an xTool P2 today! The timing is perfect since the pre-order ended today and they begin shipping from the manufacturer. Once I get it set up I will be...
New xTool Laser
Purchased an xTool P2 today! The timing is perfect since the pre-order ended today and they begin shipping from the manufacturer. Once I get it set up I will be...
Featured Prop Makers
Gabercrete - Fashion for heroes & scoundrels. Lonewolf Customs - Mandalorian helmet resource. Imperial Surplus - Star Wars costume resource. DH-P/FX - Star Wars costume resource. Delta Leather Works - Leather vests,...
Featured Prop Makers
Gabercrete - Fashion for heroes & scoundrels. Lonewolf Customs - Mandalorian helmet resource. Imperial Surplus - Star Wars costume resource. DH-P/FX - Star Wars costume resource. Delta Leather Works - Leather vests,...
New Owner
"When [John] announced the site would be closing earlier this year I immediately reached out and over the last few months we coordinated a plan to keep the business open."
New Owner
"When [John] announced the site would be closing earlier this year I immediately reached out and over the last few months we coordinated a plan to keep the business open."